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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Andi's Trip to Hong Kong - 4

Signs, signs, everywhere are signs….
Every time I travel I get a real kick out of signs that are written in English.  In Hong Kong most signs are written in English because Hong Kong was previously under British rule.  Most of these signs are very helpful and I use them often.   

Today we used the signs to get home.  We rode a mini-bus, light rail train, the train, and a regular bus with Ken to an appointment.  Ken had work to do after the appointment so he left us in a different area of Hong Kong called Kowloon.  We went shopping after Ken left us!  (I’m sure that surprises no one.)  We then had the fun adventure of getting home by ourselves.  The signs were very useful and I am proud to announce we didn’t get lost or turned around.  We even got off at all the right stops.  Signs are so useful.
But some signs are just plain funny!  A great example of this is the sign for seafood.  I’m sure those two words mean something meaningful in Chinese, maybe they are a name-I don’t know.  But even though I know it’s just a translation issue do I really want to buy seafood from a place named “Ho Kee”?

Some signs are good translations but the way they are said make me giggle.  Such as the two we found yesterday regarding dogs.  First of all, don’t let your dog foul in the parking garage.  So polite.  So the question becomes can cats foul in the parking garage?  Are dogs the only ones not allowed? 

Second was the sign on the box for placing the “foul” your dog leaves behind.  Such a polite way to say, “Put your poop here”.  Such a great sign, I made quite a few laugh as I stopped to take this picture!

Some of the signs are just confusing….”naked lights”.  How did the lights get naked and why didn’t anyone tell them to put clothes on?

Signs, signs, everywhere are signs and they make me laugh!

1 comment:

April Fry said...

who doesn't love a naked light?